Monday, July 4, 2011

Joker face

So we are up in Michigan staying with my in-laws, brother and sister in-law and their four lovely young daughters.

Two nights ago I came home to find two of my nieces with a gaggle of friends in the bunk room playing the card game BS.

You know what I'm talking about.

I remember the first time I played this game, about their age. My sister had gone away to boarding school and for some reason we moved her canopy bed into my room (for some reason? obviously I wanted it!) Two of my oldest and dearest and best-est friends were over and we played it on my bed until the wee hours. How fun. How naughty. BS!

I confess, that night I was tempted to go and join the circle of giggling tween and teen girls. Maybe we could braid each others hair? Prank call boys? Read our fortunes out of folded paper predicting who we were going to marry, where we would live, and how many children we would have?

I love cards. We have an old set of my grandmother's from a dress shop- such a clever marketing idea. Here are a few of my favorites. Though we are not in the market for a new set of cards, I am sure any hosts would be delighted to receive them:

Jonathan Adler, $68 here

Okay, JA you have outdone yourself once again. I love the lacquered box, nobody puts these babies in the corner, or-um-drawer.

Lilly Pulitzer cards, $17.95 here

Got to love Lilly's version

Kate Spade playing cards, $18 here

Tiffany & Co. $30 here

You can also get these monogrammed, for that extra special touch.
They also come in black and white and in a pink and blue diamond pattern. How to choose just one?

Hermes cards, $85 here

Okay, time to take sweet-if-slighty-fussy-and-super-attached-to-me Pierce to the park. Still working to overcome his fear of grass. Will keep you posted...


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