Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Family ties

Yesterday was overcast and a little rainy so I went out and cleaned the boat in preparation for Jack's family reunion this weekend. Jack's family from his mothers side - his mother's mother's family, to be exact - has gathered every summer here in Michigan; this will be the 20th year since the tradition began.

I was thinking about how I have become part of this new family tree. Both of my parents have large extended families, but their immediate families are quite small and I cannot remember the last time we were all together. Maybe at my wedding...

My father passed away in 1992, so we were just a family of four until I met Jack. And then my mom met her husband, Bob, and his children. And Pierce was born. We've come a long way!

Family Tree

I have never known much about Norman Rockwell save for his prints I saw in my pediatricians office growing up.

Before the Shot

Then I came across this book at a friends apartment years ago and spent the entire night pouring over his wonderful illustrations.

You can buy it new for around $150, but used for only about $10, here. We have an original copy published in 1970 though the newer versions might be better.

There is something so wholesome and hopeful in his subjects, drawing out the good in people and highlighting the beauty and humor of every day activities.

I especially like his series of illustrations that tell a story:

The Gossips

A Day in the Life of a Boy

(A boy! Pierce!)

When I was at my in-laws in Florida over Thanksgiving, I discovered that they had the same book. I sat with two of my younger nieces and we spent over an hour looking at all of the images, discovering new details and little jokes that I had missed the first time around.

Happy Birthday Miss Jones

It was such a fun thing to share with them. I feel all warm and fuzzy just thinking about it.

Mr. Rockwell was often not taken seriously as a real "artist" and instead called an "illustrator" by his haters in attempt to dumb-down his magnificent talent. This did not bother him, though, as he referred to himself as an "illustrator" too.

I loved this line from art critic Peter Schjeldahl in a 1999 ArtNews Article: “Rockwell is terrific. It’s become too tedious to pretend he isn’t.”

I need to start using the word "terrific" more often.

Oh, and could I really have that heading without including this?

No, I could not.


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